Explore an eclectic mind
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Take a look into my ideas as they are first formed, before they are polished and elaborated for books.
Kings and Queens
In America we are raised with a belief that all men are created equal. Perhaps all men take part in the whole of the plan, and if any…
4 min read
I have been contemplating surrender lately; surrender and freewill. The power of the world around us can feel overwhelming. It can feel like we are powerless, that life…
4 min read
True and Faithful Worship
The deep worshipper seeks to be like the god he worships. The deepest worship then, would be to become the god. When one loves deeply, there is this…
4 min read
Oh Heyoka!
Oh Heyoka, come on in! Roll in backwards breaking wind. Come in Jester with your jokes. Come in Joker with your pokes. Oh Heyoka HA HA HA Hey…
4 min read
The Bride of Christ
“Who has the bride is the bridegroom.” John 3:29 “While all the sacred writings are holy, the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.” Rabbi Akiva When…
4 min read
The Gathering of Israel
Many await the gathering of Israel. Mormons state the gathering as one of their core goals. I think this ties right into principles of eternal family. What is…
4 min read