Category: Sex and Relationships
True and Faithful Worship
The deep worshipper seeks to be like the god he worships. The deepest worship then, would be to become the god. When one loves deeply, there is this feeling of separateness, and the separation feels wrong. You long to become one with the object of your love. You worship him or her… You kiss, but… Read more
Jesus and the Adulteress
Jesus says, insofar as a man thinks of adultery he has committed adultery. One would respond to this, as I know I did, “then it is impossible to not commit adultery.” This I believe is the trick of the phrase… We can spend our lives trying to control our every thought, and suffering through our… Read more
No More Half-Loves
Give me no more half-lovers! Take me in deep, Love. Breathe the same breath. Write my name in the fibers of your heart, The plates of your bones, The folds of your mind, In the milk of your breasts And the fruits of your womb! Make my arms your home, My voice your morning call… Read more
Union toward Creation
The goal of union between one person and another is creation. Sexuality is our great power of creation. Union between a man and a woman is sexual, and therefore creatively powerful – and yet, the soul delights most in union that creates beyond sex; creation through sharing, combining intelligence and birthing intelligence – sharing in… Read more