Category: Spirituality

  • Surrender

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    I have been contemplating surrender lately; surrender and freewill. The power of the world around us can feel overwhelming. It can feel like we are powerless, that life happens to us in ways against our own wills. That powerlessness frightens me. The story of Jesus is poignant when it comes to our questions of power… Read more

  • True and Faithful Worship

    True and Faithful Worship

    The deep worshipper seeks to be like the god he worships. The deepest worship then, would be to become the god. When one loves deeply, there is this feeling of separateness, and the separation feels wrong. You long to become one with the object of your love. You worship him or her… You kiss, but… Read more

  • Oh Heyoka!

    Oh Heyoka!

    Oh Heyoka, come on in! Roll in backwards breaking wind. Come in Jester with your jokes. Come in Joker with your pokes. Oh Heyoka HA HA HA Hey old Trickster HEEHEEHEE Hey Old Teller, tell your tales. Hey Old Prophet, come profess. Show us all what we have missed. Show what hides within your robes,… Read more

  • The Bride of Christ

    The Bride of Christ

    “Who has the bride is the bridegroom.” John 3:29 “While all the sacred writings are holy, the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.” Rabbi Akiva When Jesus says he is the bridegroom, Sophie Strand claims it is in reference to the Song of Songs. The beloved is all of creation… and its partner… Read more

  • “For all His Creations of which I’m a Part”

    “For all His Creations of which I’m a Part”
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    “For all His creations of which I’m a part, yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.” I listened to the little birds chirping on my fence today. I watched as they hopped in the grass for bugs… I saw in the birds that love keeps them alive. They are loved, and they love their existence.… Read more

  • The Idols of Today

    The Idols of Today

    The second of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.” The “graven images” is most often interpreted as idols. Graven means to engrave, either an inscription or an image. Many sermons are given on the topic of modern idolatry. The ministers say beware of listening to the television, or… Read more

  • It is we who give the lashings to Christ:

    It is we who give the lashings to Christ:

    It is we who give the lashings to Christ, when we slash down and thresh the wheat, or fell the tree. It is Christ we kill when we slit the throat of a sheep for meat, or bash the gasping fish for food. It is Christ we bleed when we tread the grapes, and blood… Read more

  • Life is Eternal

    Life is Eternal

    I make the claim that life is as eternal as matter. That life has coexisted with matter through all eternity. Neither has a beginning and neither has an end. As matter cannot come from nothing, neither can life be made by innert material without the pre-existent power of life. That first spark of life might… Read more

  • Life, Death, and the Continuation of Identity

    Life, Death, and the Continuation of Identity

    The thought of immortality or eternal life as an unchanging continuation of our earthly identity is contrary to everything we experience on earth. Our experiences here should enlighten and teach us. If the truths we learn here are not useful in the Grander Reality, whatever that might be, then we are in a state of… Read more

  • Moses vs Pharaoh

    Moses vs Pharaoh

    Moses vs the Pharaoh and his priests is the battle between all spiritually enlightened men and the powerful or overarching beliefs of the time. All of us are born into society – and today’s society, though religious like the Egyptians, though educated in the mastery of the physical sciences like the Egyptians, is spiritually unenlightened.… Read more