Life, Death, and the Continuation of Identity

The thought of immortality or eternal life as an unchanging continuation of our earthly identity is contrary to everything we experience on earth. Our experiences here should enlighten and teach us.

If the truths we learn here are not useful in the Grander Reality, whatever that might be, then we are in a state of delusion, and this life is not of eternal value. The truths of this life can be extrapolated to eternal principles – at least, I believe they can.

A fundamental principle of this world is that of change. Everything changes. Everything transforms. Energy attracts and repels. Vibrations expand and contract. What lives will die.

Our identity is ever changing. From moment to moment we are never stagnant. To live is to change.

Once the context of my identity as Adam is gone, then I am transformed into something new. Perhaps Adam is a part of what I will be, but it is no longer the character that I will identify with, anymore than an actor identifies with a role.

How much then, in this so called life, should we embrace change and transformation of identity – and recognize that to live is to be constantly dying.

Almost I would say, we should seek out the death of the old, because life is the growth into something new from something dead or dying.

The longer we live, the more we become, more and more identities are housed within us.

A child is the storehouse of infinite possible personalities. As we age, we accrue more and more of these characters within us, and somehow, as we grow, we make choices that either increase our potential toward identity or limit it.

Do not then seek solidity of identity, especially in the infinite potentiality of eternity, but desire fluidity. You will be fluid whether you wish or no.

Accept the fluid nature of life. Look forward to the myriad opportunities of identity that await you after death… Because, whatever it is you will be, it certainly will not be what you are now.

The you of yesterday already transformed into the you of today… How much more will the you of this life transform into the you of the next?!

All that cannot change is nothing. Therefore, a god that is unchanging is the god of nothing, and is nothing itself.

The God of Life is ever-changing… A living God… And Life itself.

To live is to change. To change is to die, or to consume the life that was… thus, life and death are eternally bound. To see that change means the death or consumption of life that is past – and life is that same process… one may realize that there is no death, and yet, there is only death. But by death is eternal life brought about.

The Ever-Living God is Ever Dying.

Do not fear death – or seeing that the unknown is frightful – do not hate death.

Greet death as Jesus kissing Judas, as a beloved friend; for death is as much God as life is God.

Death is God making room for Himself.

Death claims old life, making way for more, newborn life.

You will be as much God in death as you are in life. Jesus and Judas; Life and Death; The twin sons of God.

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