I make the claim that life is as eternal as matter. That life has coexisted with matter through all eternity. Neither has a beginning and neither has an end. As matter cannot come from nothing, neither can life be made by innert material without the pre-existent power of life. That first spark of life might be called intelligence, or will, or desire. Life without desire to live, cannot live. Intelligence is life. If the intelligence, if the will has fled a creature, it is no longer life, it is dead matter. So therefore, desire, which is an attribute of intelligence is a necessity for life, it is life. Therefore, life proves an intelligence, and that intelligence is the designer of life. That intelligence, that life, lives and has lived forever. Scientists wish to date and number everything, but the beginning has no date, because there never has been a beginning, there has only been what is, and what is is forever.
Evolutionary theorists claim there is no goal to evolution. To claim no goal, is to claim there is no desire, and yet, the foundation of the evolutionary theory is that creatures have a will to survive and to replicate… therefore, LIFE is the goal! Life is the will. Life is the desire. More life, more intelligence!
Will, desire, and intelligence are self-evident. The mindless bacteria are driven by it. The most primitive of man feels the surge of his will to live and to procreate, and yet science seeks to tell us that there is no divine will. There is no eternal intelligence… and yet, it inhabits every living being! And every living being which is not inhabited by this will, dies. Will and desire are attributes of intelligence, these principles are as self existent as is matter.
Life needs no proving. We live! Intelligence needs no proving. We are intelligent. Matter needs no proving. We feel it. We sense it.
I challenge all of science to disprove intelligence as the designer and first seed of life! It cannot be disproved. And this is where science must fail. Its methods cannot disprove all false claims, anymore than it can prove all true claims. Science must admit its ignorance.
If a scientist were to organize an experiment by which life might form in a vacuum containing pure matter, it would still only prove that a designer was necessary to create the environment for life to flourish.
We then do not call upon the scientific methods to determine the validity of an eternal intelligence. We call upon common sense! That inherent knowledge that every bushman and baby possesses, that life is more than electrified matter. That the intelligence within a living being is its identity, not the shell of its physical form. Why else then, would every child ask where the animal goes when we kill it? They see its body lying dead, and they ask where it goes. They ask, because they know instinctually that the body is housing an intelligence.
Any scientist who is an atheist has lost view of the mystery. This is God’s great illusion, to hide within his creation. This is God’s joke, to trick mankind into blindness. Seeing, they cannot see. And it is God’s great joy to reveal himself, and to laugh when we discover him.