The deep worshipper seeks to be like the god he worships. The deepest worship then, would be to become the god.
When one loves deeply, there is this feeling of separateness, and the separation feels wrong. You long to become one with the object of your love. You worship him or her…
You kiss, but that’s not close enough.
You hug, but that’s not close enough.
You lie naked, coiled together… but that’s not close enough.
You need to melt into the other.
You need to unite, meld together, become one… but you never can.
You long and long for it, but always you are separate…
Thus, your love, your worship is never realized in you….
But it is realized in your children. They embody your love. They are the god you longed to become – They are the union of the worshipper and the worshipped.
They are born harmoniously unified; the little loves made flesh; children begotten of our deepest worship.
They live that experience that the lovers could not – the experience of being both beings in one – born of love – born of that strongest longing.
They don’t even give a second thought to who they are, to how powerfully their father and their mother wanted to be them.
They live, as the lovers wish that they could… one soul, in one body.
How can it be explained, that our children take for granted that the gift of their lives that we gave them was the most precious gift we longed to have for ourselves – in that moment of their conception.
So are the gods of our worshipping eachother made flesh, and we are saved, made immortal, resurrected in our children, sons and daughters of god. They are Christ, giving man eternal life – so long as we worship fruitfully.
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